Terralens Server
Multiformat Map Tile Server
TerraLens 3DWeb™ is a JavaScript library that allows developers to easily create powerful C2 and situational awareness applications with the smooth, fluid performance of full-fledged desktop applications. built in WebAssembly, TerraLens 3DWeb uses the same powerful shader-based rendering technology developed for the TerraLens™ geospatial visualization engine, which has a proven pedigree in mission-critical and defense applications.
We can help you evaluate TerraLens® with one or more free developer licenses, and one-on-one technical support. Contact us with the form below to talk to a Technical Solutions Engineer about your needs and environment.
TerraLens 3DWeb™ is a high-performance browser-based 3D Globe that provides real-time functionality for C2 applications.
TerraLens 3DWeb works in tandem with TerraLens Server for stand-out performance when serving tiles and terrain.
With TerraLens 3DWeb’s powerful API, you can add tracks from real-time data feeds to your application; add your own 2D symbology or 3D models, or use the included MIL-STD 2525 symbol generator. The SDK offers a single visualization API for 2D and 3D applications, and leverages hardware acceleration.
The SDK allows for the visualization of 3D terrain, vector tile data, and high-resolution raster data. TerraLens 3DWeb makes it easy to visualize multiple map layers simultaneously, while dynamically changing the opacity and stacking order of each layer.
With TerraLens 3DWeb, you can leverage the JavaScript developers on your web development team to develop performant, full-featured GIS mapping applications without the need to recruit additional C++ or Java developers to provide 3D graphics capabilities.
TerraLens 3DWeb is a good way to deliver a consistent experience across multiple operating systems and for mobile devices.
The SDK provides web developers with access to the rich functionality of the TerraLens Core API and all the performance benefits of a shader-based hardware accelerated graphics engine.
TerraLens 3DWeb also makes it possible to quickly deploy applications to multiple platforms and operating systems without the need to recompile for each platform. If you need to build a native application for mobile devices, TerraLens Mobile provides an SDK for the Android OS, but if you simply need to build a lightweight application you can deploy anywhere, TerraLens 3DWeb is a good way to deliver a consistent experience across multiple operating systems and for mobile devices. The SDK includes multi-touch support for touch screen devices.
The SDK delivers good performance on newer iOS and Android tablets and smartphones, and outstanding performance on any computer with a dedicated GPU.
Includes all features, controlling
development costs as your
project grows
Maintenance includes future
TerraLens upgrades
Technical Support by the R&D team
to help integrate new features, or optimize your application for performance
Terralens Server
Multiformat Map Tile Server
For a complete list of technical specifications, see the TerraLens product specifications page.
Real-Time Geospatial SDK